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Rosemary Martínez is a prolific Mexican designer born in Britain within the heart of a Spanish family. Her multicultural background has enriched her with a strategic mind embraced by a passionate and empathetic heart.

This confluent mix has, for the past 30 years, lead her to actively explore and challenge the barriers between art, branding, interior design, architecture, innovation and psychology in order to create human-centred, creative global concepts for hospitality and real-estate projects that have inspired both businesses and people to Bloom. Her work has won numerous design awards and recognitions in international publications.

The essence of her unique way of understanding life and its challenges has been published in a short and powerful, award-winning book “Bloom” that is currently being translated into 15 languages. She actively shares her philosophy “Design to Bloom” as an international keynote speaker, inspiring thousands of designers and business entrepreneurs to thrive and bloom through their talents and to work consciously to help transform the world in which we live in.



T: +971 4 880 4472

M: +52 1 722 474 1742

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